Welcome back!
This is awesome! i want to join the slack but the link is no longer active. Thank you for bringing all this info together!
Thanks so much for the heads up! I'll update it in future newsletters. Here's the link: https://join.slack.com/t/democracynoteschat/shared_invite/zt-2tsuqtoee-gshnMBQMRBEXVZkvFuY27A (and please let me know if this one doesn't work!)
Thanks, Gabe!
This is awesome! i want to join the slack but the link is no longer active. Thank you for bringing all this info together!
Thanks so much for the heads up! I'll update it in future newsletters. Here's the link: https://join.slack.com/t/democracynoteschat/shared_invite/zt-2tsuqtoee-gshnMBQMRBEXVZkvFuY27A (and please let me know if this one doesn't work!)
Thanks so much for the heads up! I'll update it in future newsletters. Here's the link: https://join.slack.com/t/democracynoteschat/shared_invite/zt-2tsuqtoee-gshnMBQMRBEXVZkvFuY27A (and please let me know if this one doesn't work!)
Thanks, Gabe!